4232 (bazza)
Hola! I’m Bazza, a Argentinian artist creating an Sci-Fi animation called 4232. 4232 is about a future where humans are turned into robots.
All the designs are hand made and the background are all hand painted.
I’m making the animation exclusively with free software, like: gimp, inkscape, synfig, blender, g’mic, audacity . And I’m developing scripts and software to produce the animation that I’ll published along with the new scene delivery.
Es un proyecto libre bajo licencia CC-BY-SA y los videos son libres bajo esta licencia. desarrollo programas bajo licencia AGPLv3+
alberti (worminger)
Alberti Draw is a perspective drawing and layout application written in Javascript, SVG, and HTML5. It can be thought of as a lightweight drafting solution that runs in a browser. Alberti is licensed under GPLv3.
ancientbeast (dreadknight)
Ancient Beast is a turn based strategy game where you have to materialize and control a small party of units that have unique stats and abilities in order to defeat other players.
This project was carefully designed to be easy to learn, fun to play and hard to master.
Play it online for free from https://AncientBeast.com
The licensing of the project is AGPL 3.0 for code and CC-by-SA 3.0 for assets.
arkandis (hirwen)
New hosting for the Arkandis Digital foundry. Free fonts for free publication fonts are under opensource lisence (GPL with font exception, Vera, utopia, AFPL)
blenderart (kocer)
Un forum dédié aux utilisateurs de Blender, mais en français, avec pour but de s'améliorer dans la 3D libre. Les contributions au forum seront sous licence CC-BY-SA.
blossoms (girin)
A short animation video written for the Mozilla Foundation, as a promotional video dedicated to present Firefox Flicks 2013.
License CC-by-sa and Art Libre
dogji (f4q)
humour thrive memes for a dog named ji.
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
flukz (yukito)
Video game editor, allowing anyone to create video games without programming knowledge (currently, only shoot'em up games). Programmed in C++ with Qt library. Licence GPL v2 for the source code, GPL or CC-BY-SA for the artwork.
glxdock (cairodock)
Cairo-Dock is a light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs (under GPLv3 licence).
It uses Cairo / OpenGL to render graphics (many in correlation with Compiz) with full hardware acceleration. It's fully configurable and fully customisable and can be used as a taskbar too. You can easily add applets in the dock or as a desklet. It is recommended to install the PLUG-INS package (cairo-dock-plug-ins) to have acces to more views, dialogs and many plug-ins and applets. Some screenshots are available : http://pics.glx-dock.org
lceg (ceg)
La Communauté Eden Gira propose un lieu d'entraide et de partage des connaissances sur l'univers créé autour de Myst et Uru.
Son contenu est placé sous licence CC-BY-SA.
Une place particulière est réservée aux développements sous Blender et Python en relation avec les projets libres OSMO (Open Source Myst Online) et OSUL (Open Source Uru Live).