pmbtaremen (malgouzou)
Installation of PMB for a little middle School located in a the Melanesian tribal island of Maré in New Calédonia.
pmegestion (13rdangel)
Création d'un système open source pour la gestion d'une entreprise incluant: ERP, e-shop et POS. Totalement en version française.
pmgames (lurdesalbar)
Web for choose the best games for Project Management. Under CC BY-SA License.
pmreader (insteps)
An application build on PmWiki for reading portable format of PmWiki files i.e. simple online based document exchange format that uses browser as reader. (GPL.v2 or later)
poddroid (rearleharris)
Pod Droid is a Gnudroider podcasting app for Android. It records, creates id3 tags and --with Gnudroider File Broom-- uploads podcast mp3s. Pod Droid is released under the GNU GPL. All podcast example files are released under Creative Commons 3.0 ShareAlike.
poh (davidus)
Punishment of Hadès est un jeu de combat écrit en c++ et qt4. Hadès, le maitre des enfers, organise un grand tournoi dont le gagnant retrouvera la vie (Licence GPL)
pointcomma (renaud123)
Yet another php based open source framework (currently hosted at
poisonpath (ndis)
Scripting mini-language (Python-like) for automation of uPNP connections. It includes a human-readable wrapper that aims to a better understanding of SSDP connections and transactions, a XML editor and an on-the-fly message payload editor.
It is currently on design stage, expected release time: July, 2008.
Licenced under the GPL-2 license.
pok (julien)
POK is a partitioned kernel released under the BSD license. It is compliant with the ARINC653 standard.
polaire (webislands)
je travail sur un system de cryptage personel maison pour les donnes a crypter. je prevois pas de grande envergure mais je me lance dans ce projet par plaisir. tout seras sous lisence GPL bien sur.