openarena (cacatoes)
OpenArena is a FPS game. It is licensed under GPLv2. This project host a mirror for openarena downloads.
openarenavid (malikith)
Movies for the Open Source project Open Arena. These movies are to both promote the project and show gameplay.
Open Arena Website:
All these videos are under the GPL License.
openblox (johnmh)
OpenBlox is a free and open source (LGPLv3) game engine, implementing an easy to use Lua API, similar to that of the proprietary ROBLOX engine. The reference implementation client, studio as well as the studio software are available under the GPLv3.
openboxmenu (orditux)
Menus dynamiques sous Openbox permettant d'afficher la listes des applications installées. Fonctionne avec l'aide de libmenu-cache du projet LXDE.
Openbox-menu est placé sous GPLv3.
openbsdmp (sylvainpham)
Documentation d'installation de serveur pour oepnbsd 3.7(3.8) en francais. tuto tres pragmatique orienté pour le developpeurs(CVS)
opencar (weeber)
Ce logiciel de gestion de voiture permet d’assurer le suivit de la consommation, des réparations, prévient quand l'entretien doit être effectué. Affiche les graphes de consommation. Et vous résume le cout de votre voiture par an et mois. Il vous permet de planifier et suivre le budget alloué à une ou des voitures. Distribué sous licence GPL.
opencernlib (roucarb)
Cernlib is the cern scientific library in fortran. Opencernlib is an upgraded version of this lib that aim to be clean and 64bits safe. This code is under GPL2+
opencoffee (gusarg)
The mayor purpose of OPEN Coffee is to manage "Internet cafés". Also, It could be used in Schools, Universities, etc.
Currently OPEN Coffee is under development and uses PyQt (latest version of PyQt and Qt, using Python2.6/2.7).
For storing the data (Users, Clients, Billing, etc) it uses MySQL.
As a plus, it has the ability to monitor Webcams/IPCams (it captures video streamings using Phonon) which is useful as simple but yet powerful security monitor.
OPEN Coffee is slitted into two applications: Server and Client.
For more information about OPEN Coffee, please visit:
opencombat (khairul169)
MIT Licensed Tactical Multiplayer First Person Shooter Game Made with Godot Engine