abanq (forhuman)
Abanq est un ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) opensource sous la licence GPL2, orienté à l'administration, gestion commerciale, finances et processus administratifs. Son application s'étend depuis la gestion financière et commerciale dans des entreprises jusqu'à l'adaptation à des processus complexes de production.
abricots (cghislai)
Abricots is a remake of apricots, a 2D plane fighter game (http://www.fishies.org.uk/apricots.html). It is written in java and will be released under the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License.
abwebsite (bonand)
My personal website, with technical article on the software developement world, source code of original scripts and programs freely reusable (GNU GPL) and then news, forum and other interesting stuff.
accountstore (bruel)
Account Store is a plugin for Gnome's editor gedit. It can be used to CRUD accounts (can as a first approximation be seen as a pair (username, password)). It stores these locally in an encrypted file. My co-developer and I have a lot ideas for this little plugin.
Account Store will be released under the GPL.
ach (sergevs42)
The project is to support required for monitoring/management software and repositories for https://github.com/sergevs/ansible-cloudera-hadoop
The all software going to be hosted here is free software and will be published with source codes. The license is depends on component and will be BSD or MIT
achille (dsoulayrol)
Achille is aimed at automating websites building using well known source documents (like DocBook articles, HTML pages, pictures, listing, and so on) and a global site description.
Achille can be seen as a documents translator for the Web. It gives you true separation between web presentation and your documents, giving you the choice to work and publish on documents the way you want, without worrying about how to publish them on the web.
Achille is distributed under the terms of the GPL v3 licence.
acieroidweb (acieroid)
Ensemble d'articles, et de ressources (paquets deb, créations personnelles, ...), pour aider aussi bien le débutant du logiciel libre que l'utilisateur avancé. Les thèmes principaux porteront sur le logiciel libre, le développement de logiciel amateur, la musique assistée par ordinateur libre, la distribution debian. Tous les articles seront placés sous GFDL, et les logiciels, scripts et autres utilitaires sous licence GPLv3, ou licence compatible.
acikca (ekril)
[Turk]Hayatın her anında paylaşımın ve üretimin (yartıcılığın) gerçekten var olabilmesi için Açık Kaynaklı bir hayatın gerekliliğine inanıyorum. Bu konudaki görüşlerimin ve alıntılarımın yer aldığı bir blog.[/Turk] [ENG]A blog about "Open Source Life" (Acik Kaynak Hayat" . To discuss what can be done to make whole life Open Source not only softwares. Open Source Recepies for any avaliable kind of things like "bread making ", "agriculture", "paper making" ,"survival things" .
Also I am using MSI Wind Clone (Datron) and Ubuntu 8.10. I would love to publish themes, how to's, debs (for atracting Wind users to chose GNU/Linux distros). Which i think is the start of "Open Source Life" [/ENG]
I will use CC-BY-SA for Artworks (Anykind) , GPLv3 for softwares (If any) and for manuals I will use GFDL.
acorg (admincraft)
AdminCraft.Org is the one-stop all-GPL-content place for the System Administrator. Here you will find topics, articles and even programming code that interests you as any System Administrator. AdminCraft.Org is also not all about technical stuff, you will find parts of AdminCraft.Org that we are sure you will appreciate in your leisure time.
All Content within this project is licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL).
acpacks (alphacluster)
A yum repository for Fedora Linux. Will host packages for various open-source projects. Initially for Exaile (A gpl licensed amarok like media player).